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Jay Neugeboren - Media

"Memo from Brooklyn: The Novels of Jay Neugeboren-- Domenic Stansberry", from Numero Cinq

"At Home with Jay Neugeboren", from HoneySuckle

"Robert Neugeboren, Survivor of Psychiatric Abuses, Dies at 72", from The New York Times

"Mentoring and Writing: Jay Neugeboren's Artistic Literary Tree" from Massachusetts Magazine

"Jay Neugeboren's The Other Side of the World--Perfect for Philip Roth Fans," from Washington Post review of The Other Side of the World

Review of The American Sun & Wind Moving Picture Company from the Boston Globe

'My Brother, Myself' by Frederick Busch, from The New York Times Review of Imagining Robert

Website for Imagining Robert - The Film

Blog Entries at The Huffington Post


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